Page 6 - Hyperbolic Stretching BOOK Alex Larsson PDF Download FREE
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Why Traditional Methods Of Stretching Build
Flexibility At A Very Slow Pace Especially When
It Comes To Adults And Seniors?
Hi, my name is Alex and unlike most îexibility coaches who became îexible
early on in their lives, I only started stretching and became îexible in my
mid 40s. Thanks to a method that's totally completely from the rest.
If all your past eìorts to become îexible failed, it's not your fault.
And it's certainly not because of your genetics, short muscles, unfavorable
hip conígurations or anything like that either.
You simply followed a method suitable only for the young generation.
Children and adolescents have a lot of collagen stored in their bodies
because their muscles, bones and ligaments are still growing.
They can use pretty much any stretching method and with some consistency
can get îexible quickly.